
Disk Image Backup Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough to help you create Disk Image backup.

  • Disk Image backups will deduplicate with other data existing inside your Storage Vault. For example, backing up Files and Folders and performing a Disk Image backup from the same hard drive will deduplicate, and provide you with a valuable storage savings.
  • If you are looking for technical information on the Disk Image backup type, please see this article - Disk Image Backup

Add a new Protected Item, select the Disk Image backup type

Disk Image Protected Item
Note: You need to have purchased a backup plan that includes the Disk Image feature in order to create a Disk Image Protected Item.

Select the disk that will be included in the backup

Disk Image Protected Item Partition Selection

After creating a Disk Image backup, if any changes are made to the partition table of that disk, that disk to be recognized differently. You will receive a warning that the drive can no longer be found and you will need to reselect the drive and/or partitions.

Include unused disk sectors for forensic data recovery​

By default unused space from the disk will be excluded from the backup, enabling this option will include any non-indexed and marked-as-deleted files in the free space. This could be used for forensic data recovery, but keep in mind that it will lengthen the backup time.